10 Things Only Jewelry Lovers Can Relate To

by Sam Sternweiler October 29, 2017

  1. You Are Strongly Attached To Either Silver Or Gold Jewelry

Having a strong attachment to a particular metal is an emotion only felt by jewelry lovers. Yes, you probably own both gold AND silver pieces (because you love all jewelry, obviously), but you are absolutely smitten with one particular metal. Typically, those with cool-toned, lighter skin are more likely to love silver jewelry, since it goes better with their skin tone. Those with warm-toned, darker skin may gravitate towards more gold pieces.


  1. You Can Remember Yourself Wearing Jewelry From A Very Young Age.

Are you REALLY a true lover of jewelry if you didn’t rummage through your mother’s jewelry box when you were a child? Or begging your parents to let you get your ears pierced so you could start wearing earrings? These are usually the first sign that you’ll spend your life utterly obsessed with the finer things, like beautiful jewelry! Moms- if your child is dancing around the house wearing as many bracelets and necklaces as they can find, you can be sure that you’ve got a jewelry lover on your hands. You can count on them borrowing your jewelry for the rest of their lives!

  1. You Always Find Yourself Noticing Other People’s Jewelry.

Some people notice people’s outfits, or their makeup, but you have always first noticed the glistening jewelry that they’re wearing. Are they the simple type, wearing just an elegant, dainty pair of studs? Or, maybe they’re into statement pieces, wearing huge earrings and a flashy necklace. Whatever it may be, you’ll notice, and you’ll be the first to give a compliment and ask where they got it.

  1. You’ve Gifted Jewelry To Others Too Many Times to Count.

What’s a jewelry lover’s favorite gift to give? Jewelry, obviously! After Thanksgiving is over and Christmas shopping is in full force, the only thing you want to give is jewelry, because how could anyone not love jewelry as much as you do? Your close relatives have probably received too many pieces of jewelry from you, but is that going to stop you? Nope. And everytime you go out to buy your jewelry gifts, you probably pick out something special for yourself while you’re at it.

  1. You Have An Elaborate Jewelry Organization System.

Maybe we aren’t all the most organized, but when it comes to our precious jewelry, organization and storage is a must. Some of us like to display our favorite pieces for all to see, while others prefer to keep them safely tucked away in their secret spot. Not sure how to organize or store your jewelry? Here are 10 creative ideas.

  1. You Feel Like Something Is Missing If You Forget To Put Jewelry On.

We all have those days where we barely make it out of the house on time and the addition of our favorite accessory is simply forgotten. When you realize you’ve left your happiness at home, you simply don’t feel right. People ask why you are always wearing jewelry, but to you, it is just a part of daily life that makes you feel gorgeous and confident.

  1. Packing Your Jewelry For A Trip Is Always A Struggle.

What do I bring? Is this too much? Usually, is it. Your travel buddies may look at you like you’re crazy when they see the insane array of jewelry that you’ve packed for the trip, but they just don’t understand. You never know what you’ll need! You also spend hours perfectly packing your jewelry so it’s safely tucked away in your bag, not to be damaged.

  1. You Love All Jewelry, But You Know What’s Appropriate When.

Huge hoop earrings and a sparkly statement necklace at the office? No thank you! You know the difference between simple everyday jewelry and special occasion jewelry. Important presentation to give? You know the perfect accessories for that! You get way too excited to break out your party pieces, because you don’t get to wear them everyday. When the occasion arrives, your favorite statement pieces are the star of the night.

  1. Losing One Earring Out Of The Pair Is All Too Familiar.

Earrings are amazing pieces, but are also extremely pesky sometimes. There’s nothing worse than reaching for your favorite studs and then… the horror! One is missing! Jewelry lovers tend to basically hoard earrings, so they tend to get lost easily. After a few horrible incidents, you probably became obsessive about keeping your earrings organized in an effort to not lose any more precious favorites.

  1. You Know That You Can NEVER Have Too Much Jewelry.

Too much jewelry you say? Impossible. Lucky for your loved ones, they always know exactly what to get you. And no shopping trip is complete without adding a new sparkly piece to your collection You truly believe that you’ll never have enough jewelry. No matter what, you’ll always be on the hunt for new and exciting pieces!


Sam Sternweiler
Sam Sternweiler
