The Future Of Jewelry Is Dazzling With JEWELv

by Sam Sternweiler October 29, 2017

  Samuel Sternweiler  |  CEO  |  JEWELv

  Email:  |  Twitter: @jewelvteam

  “The most innovative jewelry company the world has ever seen!” 


The Future Of Jewelry Is Dazzling With JEWELv


It’s an exciting time here at JEWELv as the design of our gorgeous website is coming together! We are finalizing the process with our software development team to bring JEWELv’s website and 3D customization platform to life. Our manufacturers and suppliers are eagerly waiting for their first order; while stunning gemstones and eye-catching designs are waiting to be yours.

As long as I can remember, I have wanted to have my own jewelry business. Years of research and hard work have helped me turn my dreams into reality as my team and I get ready to launch a new and exciting online fine jewelry shopping experience. JEWELv offers the highest quality natural gemstones, unique and edgy designs that make a statement, and a website offering ease of use and innovative features.  The process to get here has certainly been an adventure, but well worth it as we are meticulously creating an extraordinary brand I am extremely proud of.  I have invested so much of my passion and love into JEWELv, and very soon, you all will be able to love it with me too.

Creating JEWELv was similar to the experience of crafting a piece of jewelry: you spend so much time planning, designing, testing, and deciding. You put in so much passion, creativity, and originality into that piece of jewelry, that you can’t wait to show it off.  When you have the finished product in your hands, you realize you have created something beautiful; you created something meaningful. It is truly a labor of love.  JEWELv is my labor of love that I want to share with all of you.

My hope is that JEWELv will allow you to design fine jewelry that best represents you, your personality, individuality, and natural beauty. You are unique; your jewelry should reflect that.  Let us help you stand out with our impeccably crafted and stunning pieces.

Join us as we prepare to launch our full website and be one of the first to create your very own customized jewelry designs. Sign up for a free account at before our launch on June 24th and recieve a 10% off discount for LIFE (yes, it never goes away). Also follow us on our socials below and say hello! We’d love to hear from you!

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Sam Sternweiler
Sam Sternweiler
